Saturday, March 17, 2012


The house is so quiet now. This is the best time to study but, heck, it's getting a little lonely here. Oh well, i guess i really need this quiet time to calm myself down.  

The window from where i'm sitting.

Peaceful Saturday and a good day to study. I am studying actually, but I guess, I can take a break and I really miss blogging. 
I am feeling much better now after banging my head on the wall, throwing some tantrums, shed some pathetic tears, I'm all charged up to face the books again. 
I thought this would be easy, but heck, who am i trying to kid? This is tough and I have no clue whether i can actually make it. I have to say, the only competition i have is myself. This is so different compared to the days during high school where i can laze till the last minute and still be able to pass. Right now, if i ever try doing that, it's like taking a spoon and digging my own grave. 
Nevertheless, this is the best time for me to test my limits and actually see how far i can go. No point if i have plans but i'm no capable of fulfilling them. 
I'm sorry my posts have not been an entertaining posts for you guys but i swear, after my exams, i'll be a much funnier. relax and not self-motivating person. I promisseeeee...
Anyway, got to get back to my books

 Have a pleasant weekend...

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